Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Post- Netflixcalyptic Brain-dead Wasteland

Yes, Netflix, I'm still watching.  And you know why?   Because my mind has melted -turned to mush and leaked out my wears.  7 straight hours of ....I don't even know what anymore has reduced me to a mindless zombie only capable of staring at the screen waiting for the next eposide to load.  Is this what we have become?  I don't even care what the show is anymore.  I found myself watching something with children, and dumb adults....and I think a dog....the other day - simply because I had run out of things to watch.  The real zombie apocalypse will happen when skynet takes over and the almighty Netflix goes down.  Millions of brainless users will, once unteathered from their precious stories, be forced to rise, glossy eyed and drooling, from their screens in search of something new to feed on, and the Apocalpyse will begin.